Born today Manlio Truscia
Born today Manlio Truscia
Manlio Truscia’s (b. 1950, Enna, Italy)first job was on the Italian western hero ‘Tex Willer’ in 1964 when, he worked for a short period with Erio Nicolò. During the 1970s and 1980s he did pencil drawings for ‘Kriminal’ and ‘Satanik’. He has drawn for the magazines Intrepido and Monello for Universo Publishers, and for Edifumetto and Ediperiodici. He then started his association with the weekly Adamo, published by Corno, where he worked on four different series contemporaneously, each with its own style. He also drew the character ‘Adam’, created in association with Giancarlo Malagutti. Since then he has become a visualizer and illustrator, working in advertising, educational publishing and adventure stories. He has designed covers for the Gialli Mondadori and Segretissimo book series.