STATUS QUO political graphic novel
STATUS QUO political graphic novel We are born incendiaries . And die as firefighters Pittigrilli (Dino Segre) Colonel Moretti reversed this saying
STATUS QUO political graphic novel We are born incendiaries . And die as firefighters Pittigrilli (Dino Segre) Colonel Moretti reversed this saying
February with OutisFumetti
Comics by OutisFumetti before Covid19 New Comic Books and Graphic Novels in Spring/Summer 2021
Fumetti neri Sangòor Fumetti neri (Italian for “black comics”) is a subgenre of Italian comics, born in Italy with (and after) the creation of the Diabolik character (1962). Testata: Sangòor ...
In 1965, Sergio Leone cast Van Cleef, whose career had yet to take off, as a main protagonist alongside Clint Eastwood in For a Few Dollars More. Leone then chose ...