Eroi EsseGesse
Eroi EsseGesse, art by Manlio Truscia
Giovanni Sinchetto, Dario Guzzon & Pietro Sartoris
EsseGesse is the collective signature of three Italian artists, Giovanni Sinchetto (Esse), Dario Guzzon (G.) and Pietro Sartoris (Esse), who have built up a collective oeuvre during several decades. Giovanni Sinchetto began his career in 1943 with ‘Fulmine Mascherato’, a comic published by Della Casa. Pietro Sartoris and Dario Guzzon both debuted at the publishing houses Taurina and Alpe.
After these individual projects, the three decided to form a team. For publisher Torelli, they created the character ‘Kinowa’, together with scenario writer Lavezzolo, in 1950. ‘Kinowa’ was soon followed by creations like ‘Capitan Miki’ (1951) and ‘Il Grande Blek’ (1954) at Araldo.
In 1965, they created, ‘Alan Mistero’ (known in France as ‘Ombrax’) and ‘Il Comandante Mark’ (‘Cap’tain Swing’). After the death of his two companions, Dario Guzzon continued ‘Il Comandante Mark’ together with the female illustrator Lina Buffolente until 1999.