Help ! The women are coming!

Help ! The women are coming!

Help ! The women are coming!

Gynophobia or Misogyny ? In every country cartoonists has been jumping through hoops to draw women in comics. In USA, Italy, France.

This is Spain:

“Graphically, it was unthinkable to use the line drawing to draw a vignette. As soon as the censor saw a straight line, he crossed it out saying excitedly that he was a virile member. Of course, it was not allowed to make too many curves because they were associated with the ladies ».

Interview with Francisco Ibáñez, by Carmen Fernández. El Dominical of El Periódico, nº 122, Barcelona, March 22, 1987.

Page: La Osa Mayor, Agencia Teatral, series by Manuel Vázquez, taken from Can Can nº 13 (5-V-1958).

In Spain, legally, the censorship disappears with the Royal Decree Law of April 1, 1977, which regulates freedom of expression in print media (on October 6 of that same year it would be extended to radio and television) although prohibitions are maintained on contents that undermine the Royal Family, the unit of Spain or the Armed Forces. Also, remember that “the administrative seizure of graphic or sound, obscene or pornographic printed matter may be decreed”.

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