French artist: Claude Jambers
Nathalie détective chérie, testo Franck Marchal, art Claude Jambers, 110 strips, France Soir, 1959
Nathalie détective chérie, testo Franck Marchal, art Claude Jambers, 110 strips, France Soir, 1959
Roy Newby was born in Northumberland in 1912 and grew up in London, the only child of music hall and variety performers. He was trained at Bolt Court, later the London ...
I FUMETTI DI TOTO’ sono stati pubblicati nel 1953 dalle Edizioni Diana s.r.l. di Roma. Della collana disegnata da Castellari uscirono dodici albetti al prezzo di 25 lire. Totò ...
The Reportes at the Salone Internazionale del libro Torino