Fumetti Neri Masokis
Fumetti Neri Masokis Fumetti neri (Italian for “black comics”) is a subgenre of Italian comics, born in Italy with (and after) the creation of the Diabolik character (1962). Testata: Masokis ...
Fumetti Neri Masokis Fumetti neri (Italian for “black comics”) is a subgenre of Italian comics, born in Italy with (and after) the creation of the Diabolik character (1962). Testata: Masokis ...
Fumetti Neri La Jena Fumetti neri (Italian for “black comics”) is a subgenre of Italian comics, born in Italy with (and after) the creation of the Diabolik character (1962). Testata: ...
Fumetti neri Super Women Fumetti neri (Italian for “black comics”) is a subgenre of Italian comics, born in Italy with (and after) the creation of the Diabolik character (1962). Testata: ...
Fumetti Neri 007te JamBon Testata: 007te JamBon Anno: 1966 Editore: Littera Editore Numero unico Pagine: 96 Bianco e nero Lire 150 Disegni: Marco Rostagno Parodia di 007 James Bond Ristampa ...
Diabolik the Reporters Original page Disegno originale per la cartolina omaggio inserita nel volume The Reporters, Quattro giorni in un’altra città.