R. Fante another unknown art name of Raffaele Cormio
R. Fante another unknown art name of Raffaele Cormio
R. Fante another unknown art name of Raffaele Cormio
Obscure fumetti Bill Ranger Anno: 1963 – 1964 Editore: Ediz. Kraun > Editoriale Corno Mensile Bianco e nero Albi: 9 Spanish western comic drawn by Francisco Cueto. Covers by Enzo ...
He was a young talent… 50 years later (not so young) it still is. UncleJ was 19/20 years old when these panels were rejected. I took a look at the ...
Born today Ferruccio Alessandri
Remembering Raffaele Cormio Raffaele Cormio collabora con l’Editoriale Corno come disegnatore, grafico e letterista. Nel 1965, per la casa editrice milanese disegna alcune copertine per le testate a fumetti Kansas ...